The Ancestral Womb is Now Open for Registration!

An embodied healing journey rich with Ritual, Folklore, Body-based Healing, Guided Journeys and old magick. This is not a beginners course, but is for the ones ready to dive deep into the well of wisdom and call out the medicine woman within.

Our Journey back home to the Motherland starts July 3rd.

Hey Beautiful!

My name is Jillian Mackenzie Bowman, Creatrix, Hedgewitch, Herbalist and Mama behind this magickal school!

I guide brave souls back home to their magick and power so they can align with their soul work and RISE.

Realm School is a cultivation of every ounce of wisdom I hold at this moment in time. It is a living, breathing, flowing container of ancient magick, embodied healing, ritual, folklore and plant spirit medicine.

I hope you'll join us in weaving the Mythic threads and remembering the medicine we carry.

Thank you for being here!